Monday, January 11, 2010

Stop Excessive Puppy Chewing

Puppies chew things to shreds - it's an unavoidable truth, like gravity and taxes. But just because your dog chews, doesn't mean you have to live with it, particularly when the puppy in question chews up everything in your home. The problem is, unlike children, puppies will not naturally end the behavior when they age. Really, if it's not corrected, problematic chewing can turn into a behavior that's almost unstoppable. If you want to end excessive dog chewing, you have to correct it as early as you can. You have to get going IMMEDIATELY.

To stop excessive puppy chewing, you can try any of two tactics, or both for even more beneficial outcomes. To correct relentless doggy chewing, you have to positively reinforce behavior that's acceptable, while discouraging the ones that aren't. It's not rocket science, yes, but it's no walk in the park, either. Here are a few tips that could make the effort a quite a bit easier for puppy owners from one side of the equator to another:

Behavior to Positively Reinforce:

  • Pick up appropriate chew toys to end relentless dog chewing. Rawhide is always a safe bet. If not, be positive that the toy isn't composed of harmful materials in case your puppy tears it up and ingests it.

  • Let's face it - your dog has an attention span of a gnat. If you're going to fix obnoxious doggy chewing, you have to provide a bit of novelty. Rotate his chew toys every few days or so to keep him interested.

  • To keep your doggy's focus on approved toys to eliminate obnoxious dog chewing, stuff little bits of food inside as an added incentive.

  • For a teething pooch, take a wet cloth, freeze it, and let him chew on it to his heart's content.

Behavior To Discourage:

  • If you catch your pup chewing on something off-limits, disrupt his frenzy with a loud noise and offer an acceptable chew toy. Then, you can praise him to all and sundry to encourage him to correct continuous puppy chewing.

  • Fix continuous dog chewing for good by applying taste deterrents on off-limit items. Nothing can be as unappealing to a doggy as the taste of bitter apple.

  • Puppies can't tell the difference between items of the same category, so if you want to correct relentless pup chewing for good, you have to keep from giving him old socks, shoes, and other items to chew on.

By knowing what to encourage and what to discourage, you can stop excessive dog chewing in no time. Of course, don't underestimate the power of puppy-proofing your house by picking up after yourself and keeping items that are off-limits exactly that - off-limits and unreachable.

Take action today. Nip these bad habits in the bud before they grow out of control You can start right now by learning how to stop excessive dog chewing at once.

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